I've just picked up a May '56 vert pan and shell (well, whats left of a shell anyway.)!
The Chassis number and VIN plate match up which is great as the pan is rock solid OG. 😎
can someone tell me where the number that identifies it as a 151 or a 152 would be?
The number in the top left box on the VIN plate says VW 1/51. Would this be it?
The body serial number under the VIN plate begins 15-2****
Is this anything to do with the model or is that just a production number.
Both the pan and body are LHD and don't seemed to have been messed with in the steeering column/floorpan area and the VIN plate seems to be attached as from the factory with the correct rivets.
Any Help would be appreciated, especially a pointer to a site that deciphers the VIN plate markings.
"2splits" wrote:
The box on the left hand side that says 1/51 means the car is a type 151 which is a LHD convertible beetle.
I believe the body number is just coincidence.
"yachtybugger" wrote:
Thanks 2 splits and everyone else who has replied :wink:
I thought that would be the case but just wanted to get a more experienced opinion :wink: Thanks.
Unfortunately I got a little bit of the info above wrong. The VIN model number is 'VW 1/15' and not 'VW 1/51'
Is this just the way VW denoted the model numbers or does it mean its something else?
Last question I promise :lol:
BTW, I applied for the birth certificate yesterday so hopefully this will show the body and chassis match up. At the moment, current thinking is the chassis is deffo a May '56 but the body number denotes it as an August '56 body. Hopefully this just means the chassis was lying around karmann for awhile waiting for a body but we'll see :wink:
Many Thanks