VolksAuto articles

Lavenham 2020 - Cancelled

15 May 2020
Lavenham 2020 Cancelled

Following Sunday’s announcement regarding the current Covid-19 lockdown, it has become apparent that it is unlikely that social distancing rules will be waived any time soon.

As it would be completely impossible to implement social distancing in the Market Place and Village Hall, the event as we know it could not be staged. There is also the question of whether pubs, hotels and restaurants will be open by September and with what capacity. There are also questions over foreign visitors to the show both via flights or with their cars from Europe. We only want to put on the best British vintage VW event possible, not a show that is severely compromised.

Consequently, we have reluctantly decided to postpone the event until 17-19 June 2022 when we should be able to do it justice. With 2021 hosting the Hessisch Oldendorf meeting in Germany, we have decided that postponing Lavenham for one year would not be in anyone's interest, so a postponement of two years seems the most appropriate option.

All entrants who have paid their entrance fee will receive a full refund and will need to re-enter when registration opens again nearer the time. These refunds will be processed as soon as possible.

This has not been an easy decision for us to make and it has taken a long time for us to arrive at, but we feel that the safety of everyone who attends the meeting is paramount and at the same time we need to be able to deliver the top-quality event that is expected from the Lavenham Vintage VW Meeting. We look forward to your continued support in 2022.

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