One of the biggest indoor VW shows in the UK held every year at the Sandown Park venue.
It's usually the first VW show of the year that I go to, full of expectation following the winter months, but knowing deep down that for the die-hard Vintage enthusiast, there's not usually much to see. And this year was no exception really, although there were four Hebmullers putting on a good show. It's pretty expensive to get in too, and the food and drink on site is frankly ridiculous.
If you're into the custom side of the VW hobby, then there's plenty to see. It's often the show that people unveil their creations that they've spent months (or years) building, and if you have something worthy enough to display then that's a pretty big achievement in itself - and taking home a top 20 trophy means that you really have something of amazing quality.
The stock/vintage side of the hobby doesn't tend to have many of these big budget restorations, so this side of the hobby is usually taken up with very nice older restorations or survivor cars, although as these cars are gaining value it does look as though the stock restorations are on the increase.
Upstairs is the swap meet, it's usually rammed and sweaty - but it's a good swapmeet full of all sorts of interesting parts, not the hippy dreamcatchers and pillows that plague a lot of VW shows.
Every year I'm both impressed and disappointed in the show in equal measures, always saying that I'm not going to go next year - but let’s see how those winter months pan out, by then I’ll probably feel that I need to go again. Next show for me will be Stanford Hall, a show that very rarely disappoints!
VW Shows