15 years ago

Anybody know anything more about this car?

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  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago
Nothing to add, but whats with all the heads in the last pic??!
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
15 years ago

Nothing to add, but whats with all the heads in the last pic??!

JD wrote:

In the process of rebuilding the original engine for the barnfind Denzel, VW-professor Ray Schubert has learnt a lot and remanufactured a load of bits and pieces for the Denzel engines ... and with his knowledge he has accepted a big "batch rebuild" of virtually all known Denzel engines in the USA...and some European ones. Ongoing this winter. So - that is what all the heads are doing in one place.
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago
Wow! Just a shame they aren´t repro parts.

Thanks for posting BTW.:d
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
lou cypher
15 years ago
The "Lost Denzel"

That really is an amazing find

also quite an amazing story, how Tom Neidernhofer helped track down the cars wereabouts working from some old photo's :beer:

15 years ago
15 years ago
I'm 100% sure that WANTED adds work! :wink: :wink: :wink: :beer:
And a great find too, water is coming out of my mouth... :lol:
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
15 years ago

The "Lost Denzel"

That really is an amazing find

also quite an amazing story, how Tom Neidernhofer helped track down the cars wereabouts working from some old photo's :beer:

lou cypher wrote:

Tell us the story....!
15 years ago

I am the present owner of DK 158 which is the car that had been for many years in Virginia. I am currently researching the history of the car (with Jim Perrin's help) and should have more to report soon. It was originally sold in US. The car is under restoration in northern CA. The frame and floor steel has been repaired/replaced and now we are working on the aluminum skin. Looks like original color was white with red vinyl interior.

We have the original engine, carpets, seats etc - looking for some exterior door handles which look like this
and have "wB BIRMINGHAM" stamped on the inside of the hand grip area.

Also looking for the Austria quality badge

Any help will be appreciated!

Mark  IMG_0422 (Small).JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_0425 (Small).JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_0551 (Small).JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_0550 (Small).JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_0556 (Small).JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.
15 years ago
Some pictures of DK158 as it was in Virginia and now under restoration. It had VW engine installed when I received it and the Denzel engine was in pieces (all of it was there, and the original engine case).

Ray and Brian have been replacing some of the longitudinals and then sheet metal floor, lower front and engine compartment sheet metal, and repairing other sections. Steel frame is done and red primered (which is what was original). Now the Aluminum is being worked on. Has Fiat brakes - I have crossed some of the parts to Fiat topolino.  56 Denzel 01A..jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  56 Denzel 02A.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  56 Denzel 08A.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_0747 (Medium).jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_0756 (Medium).jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  denzel dash (Small).jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  denzel fromt tank (Small).jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  DSC_0512 (Medium).JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.
15 years ago
Hy Gwertie,
Nice car you have ...:shock:
I have used Thomas to do some rechroming on oval parts
Maybe you can ask him som advise on rechroming your originals...

Those doorhandles in his advertise are from a Rometsch that came from the states towards HO :wink:
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
15 years ago
The door handles are made by Wilmot Breeden, who made handles for many different British cars. I'm not sure exactly which model those are from though.
15 years ago
The door handles look a lot like Austin door handles... not exactly... but close. Early Mini... or maybe some other Austin model

protect me from what I want
15 years ago
Mark, Ray...

I searched all through UK ebay... and US ebay under Vintage door handles... which is where I found the above photo... the closest I could see from approx 700 listings.

I would post the photos of the handle you have on an english general vintage car forum...

You UK guys have any suggestions what forum to post on... is there a general classic car forum?
Maybe somebody is already of member of such a forum and could simply swipe Mark's photo... and repost it asking for help

I bet we can find this part if we all pitch in a little. This group found the Door handles for Christian's Early Beeskow... which has to be a lot tougher than finding these!
protect me from what I want
15 years ago
Thanks to some help here on the forum, I have determined that the door handles (and inner handles and window cranks)are the same as on 1954-58 Nash Metropolitan. I believe there was also an Austin version. I found some beautifully done reproductions today in North Hollywood at the Metropolitan Pit Stop - a parts/restoration shop specializing in this car. Thanks for your help in the identification. I have heard but not confirmed that the Denzels were importers/sellers of the Nash in the 50's - perhaps that's how the parts were chosen...
15 years ago
Here are some pictures of the completed chassis restoration. It is coated in red oxide primer which is the original finish. Ray and Bryan have remade the headlight buckets and are fitting the aluminum skin to the front. Denzel put a oil/tar impregnated burlap type material between the steel chassis and the aluminum skin originally to avoid electrolysis - Ray is looking into replicating this material.

Got the brake parts - actually a combination of Fiat Topolimo and Multipla style master and wheel cylinders. Has aluminum/webbed brake shoes. Ray had some brake lines made up.

Gauges and gas tank sender are in to North Hollywood Speedo - they have the silkscreens and will clean and get all mechanisms working - and will also make a new tach cable and oil temp line (ether filled?)

Apparently the rear brake/tail and front turn signal lights are from Lucas - I am currently trying to locate some new/better ones.

Ray is in the process of making up some mufflers/piping/heater boxes for the engines using my complete set as a pattern. He has already made most of the engine tin pieces that are different than stock VW - I think he has 5-6 Denzel engines to build for various folks....

Dropped off interior to upholsterer - trying to find the red vinyl with burgundy specs in it as original.

There are more posted on thesamba.com gallery coachbuilt section.

15 years ago
😎 Looking damn good,
What a progress.:shock:
It is rare to see al the structure underneath the alu. Rather complicated floorpan.
Always amazing to see a coachbuilt car naked...:lol:

Greetings. Peter
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective