  • paul
  • Regular Topic Starter
20 years ago
my 64 bug wont start when i turn it over it tries but fails, fly wheel moves.have tested starter motor its ok i have had the car coverted to 12v its keeping charge ok. battery is brand new and fine alernator is ok and i have had abrand new regulator petrol line is ok fuel geting to carb.
starter motor spins but will not crank up.........
only thing i havent changed is the set up on the points still set up as for 6v.
and the green light on my speed o stays on thers a dioed down on the alternator.. but was runing befor with this falt...................

could the falts i have menshoned be causing it not to start or is it somthing eles

please could anybody help

many thanks
paul 😞
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20 years ago
Paul, as with all remote diagnostics its difficult here goes

1 Whats changed ? since the car was running any adjustments/alterations /mods. Start here 1st
2. Obvious plug problems - dirty age
3. Cb points closed pitted dirty grease across surfaces
4. Coil LT lead split- HT lead cracked - and best of all the distributer cap cracked tracking

I would favour checking for spark/volytage at the points, if no good look this evening for evidence of electrical tracking on dssy cap -also check the centre graphite component is still there - it presssses onto the c rotor arm.
Good Luck
20 years ago
Hi Paul,

Is your coil OK?? (TK 12 A16 )
Is your condensator ok??
Is your automatic shoke 12 V??
Problems with Checking your condensator send me a mail i will try to explain you how to do that !!
[email protected]


  • paul
  • Regular Topic Starter
20 years ago
many thanks for your held i will check all thoes things out and get back to you

many many thanks
paul  1244.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
20 years ago
i know this might sound real dumb but try checking the fuse for the coil. i belive its the one closest to the drivers door. if its blown it will crank but no spark.
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