16 years ago
dont bother attending the large shows, they just attract the wrong type, far too far many people these days think whats yours is theirs.
16 years ago

But how do you lock a tent from a knife wielding idiot.

"Chris" wrote:

Share your tent with a dog..

I know I have... :oops:

I think you can take out as much security as you like but if somebody's intent on stealing something, they will find a way. That goes for everything, not just volkswagens. 😞

I do agree that as soon as somebody breaks into your property they forfiet the right to any protection. :shock:

"'50 Karmann" wrote:

I shared a tent with Dave Cantle at the last Hessisch...does that count?

Nobody would have ventured into that poisonous atmosphere...in fact we only lasted one night ourselves...went and found a guest house for the other two nights. :lol:
16 years ago

in fact we only lasted one night ourselves...went and found a guest house for the other two nights. :lol:

"lifeintheslowlane" wrote:

Are you sure it was'nt just because the ground was hard and stony on you old folks bones? :lol:

SO, I have deduced from this thread that 'stock people' are in fact FAR from the genteel mild mannered considerate thoughtful harmless types that I always assumed they were, and in fact are the Crips & Bloods under heavy disguise should anyone so much as thieve the shadow from their NOS exhausts! :shock: :lol: :lol: :beer:
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago

Are you sure it was'nt just because the ground was hard and stony on you old folks bones? :lol:

"mrsherbie" wrote:

Well I have admit my inflatable sprang a leak...there was condensation inside the tent and an all pervading smell of death in the air...or it was Dave's socks.
16 years ago

Well I have admit my inflatable sprang a leak...there was condensation inside the tent......

"lifeintheslowlane" wrote:

I do hope you mean an inflatable matress John. :lol:
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
16 years ago

I do hope you mean an inflatable matress John. :lol:

"Chris" wrote:

I'll leave the question hanging for those in need of a little fantasy moment. :shock: