Standard split
14 years ago

I find this never ending thread such a depressing bore. Anything else on the menu?

48REME wrote:

Look at one of the many other threads and forums – or go to a different site:twisted:

I expect you whinge about a TV programme you dislike and expect it to be removed, even though others watch it, when you could just switch to one of the other 250 channels.[-x

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

IF records start late '51, then '51-late '52 is only ONE year.[-x

The mileage from '52 on would still be incredible.:shock:

It probably began life as a '51, just not much left, that's all:lol:

Rattletrap's a VW legend regardless 😳

Standard split wrote:

One year or two or two makes no difference its still not a 51 :!:

Mileage is stil high ,but how high we will never know.

It definitly began life as a December 52 Zwitter and definitly not much left :lol:

Rattletrap ,Despite the contraversy is definitly a Legend :wink:

Standard split
14 years ago

Rattletrap ,Despite the contraversy is definitly a Legend :wink:

Sunroof53 wrote:

Well we agree on one point:beer:

But maybe not some others:wink:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago
EVERY NIGHT I COME HOME FROM WORK,LOG ON AND.......  doublefacepalmrikerpicard_197.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
14 years ago

I find this never ending thread such a depressing bore. Anything else on the menu?

48REME wrote:

I couldn't agree more!
Standard split
14 years ago

I couldn't agree more!

RoRoVw wrote:

There are other places to look – the internet is endless ( a little like Rattletrap's mileage theory and its thread I guess):lol:


'50 Karmann wrote:

You work :shock:
– I thought rich people took life easy:!:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

You work :shock:
– I thought rich people took life easy:!:

Standard split wrote:

It's charity work  troll_156.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Standard split
14 years ago

It's charity work

'50 Karmann wrote:

You probably own the charity – not give to it, that's why you're so well-heeled.

Spare us a quid guv:o

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

I find this never ending thread such a depressing bore. Anything else on the menu?

48REME wrote:

We are just trying to see how many times we can get the thread locked.I am going for a hatrick :twisted:
Standard split
14 years ago

We are just trying to see how many times we can get the thread locked.I am going for a hatrick :twisted:

Sunroof53 wrote:

Don't get it locked yet – I'm hoping to post some ground-breaking material on the nation's favourite 'Beetle' at some point:shock:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago
BTW i hope nobody thinks i'm having a go at John.It's all just banter.
Standard split
14 years ago

BTW i hope nobody thinks i'm having a go at John.It's all just banter.

'50 Karmann wrote:

We get on fine – its just that he's had a hit man after me – but I'm going to be buried in my '49, so he'll have to dig it up:shock:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago
Tools at the ready.
My mans slow,i'll give it a week.Then i'm calling off the hit.  270509-shovel_large.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Standard split
14 years ago

Tools at the ready.
My mans slow,i'll give it a week.Then i'm calling off the hit.

'50 Karmann wrote:

Mmm… perhaps cremation would be better:?

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

Mmm… perhaps cremation would be better:?

Standard split wrote:

He's thought of that aswell John......


Let's face it, you might aswell just sell it to him now :wink:
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
Standard split
14 years ago

He's thought of that aswell John......

Let's face it, you might aswell just sell it to him now :wink:

Chris wrote:

It'll be even hotter where '50 Karmann's going:twisted:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
54 Gertie
14 years ago
I think until someone gets some better photos, see's the car or talks to someone from Haselock then this thread is going nowhere. :wink:

Going by 20 year old black and white photos where you can "maybe" see a line of weld is a tad frivolous.
14 years ago

I think until someone gets some better photos, see's the car...

54 Gertie wrote:

When was the last time you saw Rattletrap John?
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago
I can't be bothered to read the previous 14 pages. Can someone please explain the whole story from the beginning? :lol:
14 years ago

I can't be bothered to read the previous 14 pages. Can someone please explain the whole story from the beginning? :lol:

1958ghia wrote:

Err, someone said one thing - then some people replied and said something else.. it kind of went on like that for a while, then it all got a bit dull because there was nothing new to add...
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
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