adi #2
  • adi #2
  • Regular Topic Starter
16 years ago
Dammit...looks like someone alredy took Adi...will have to be adi no2.

Well, im adi, i got a 66 beetle which i got almost by accident.

Iv always had classics, iv never owned a modern vehicle in my life, but its allways been unremarkable stuff. I had a 65 vespa when i was 16 but appart from that nothing interasting. 70's beetles.

I had just sold my 73 beetle, when i wanted something tax exempt, when by chance i happened to be in London with a buddy of mine and saw a beetle for sale. I figured its just some usual late 1200 with older wings etc. For £1300 i didnt expect much more.

Bought it for 1100 or something like that, rolling, barely MOT'd (week left) and no logbook. Limped it home to Dorset on 2.5 cylinders and bad lights.

It turned out to be a 1966 1300 deluxe, made in 1965. Almost no welding, still wearing original paint even in the usual rot spots, etc.

Well now a few months down the line its got a new mot and a v5c, iv sorted everything with it, almost, and i use it as a daily driver doing about 60-80 miles a day, as its my only car.

So, hence im here. Someone from VZI suggested i join here, as its a nicer place in general for stuff like this.

You could say my speciality is electrics/electronics. Having a 6v car as a daily driver isnt ideal, but im determined to not convert it to 12v, as everything gets converted to 12v. Iv got decent halogen lights, i think i found a design flaw in the lights relay that noone has noticed before so now that iv sorted that the lighting system is as good as any other car, and i have a home made valve/tube stereo rig to go in there at some point when i finish tweaking it, since the lack of stereo on 6v drove me insane.

So, erm, hello.
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54 Gertie
16 years ago

An original paint 66:shock: We NEED to see some pics! :d
adi #2
  • adi #2
  • Regular Topic Starter
16 years ago
Ok, ill add some pictures.

The paint is very faded, to be honest i dont know what to do with it, at the moment i decided to leave it like it is.

It has a rotten spare wheel well which i will replace soon, but appart from that is all good. Complete with original 60's hippy stickers (some sticker nerd managed to ID them by the printing technique and material used as mid 60's).

These are just quick snaps at my freinds place, the caddy and orange beetle are his (and he is the guy in the picture).

I have some better pictures somewhere but i need to find them.

 random II.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  random.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
54 Gertie
16 years ago
Ah yes, ive seen this on VZi (i remember the decklid!:d )
16 years ago
Well welcome. It's nice to see another youngster in here as most of the others are a bunch of old farts.

Good move on the 6 volt comment...that will earn you mega brownie points and even more if you can give us 6 volt owners the secret of your success.:wink:

OG paint is again another huge bonus in your favour so you're rapidly heading for "the secret handshake." Please don't ask about it, you will be approached when they think you are ready.

Seriously though your '66 looks to be in good shape and genuine patina, a badge of honour. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.

54 Gertie
16 years ago

Well welcome. It's nice to see another youngster in here as most of the others are a bunch of old farts.

lifeintheslowlane wrote:


Im not even old enough to drive my 63! :wink:
adi #2
  • adi #2
  • Regular Topic Starter
16 years ago

Im also one of those wierd people who likes stock beetle handling. It appears very sloppy and unsteady to the avarage person at first, but if you slowly get used to it you realize that its not as bad.

I personally dont like lowering and never have, i think, once you get used to sloppy beetle handling, thers no going back..So full ride-height only for me.

To be honest, this car has been a bit of a challenge to keep. I have plenty of dedication, but unfortunatly not alot of money to throw around, and no off road parking. That parking area you see in the picture is where everything from engine transplanting to bodywork happens. Thats not even mine, its my friends, i just have street parking, and in a real bad area too.

But so far its been ok. This kind of car deserves to be kept completely 100% stock and repaired properly rather then bodged.

The 6v thing is also abit of a wierd situation. No matter how many people tell me to convert it, im determined not to. 6V is just as usable as 12V. Many people think that its inferior, but i think with the right maintenance it can be just as good.

By the way, i could post my findings with the mistake in the design of the lights relay somewhere. Tech section?
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
16 years ago

Someone from VZI suggested i join here, as its a nicer place in general for stuff like this.

adi #2 wrote:

Ha !It was I! Hi Adi - the car looks like its seen some history. Like the stickers.
I think you got a great deal there.

Have a search, there are some infos somewhere about hooking an ipod to an old radio IIRC.

"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
16 years ago

The paint is very faded, to be honest i dont know what to do with it, at the moment i decided to leave it like it is.

adi #2 wrote:

Hi Adi#2

Nice find- two bits of advise on the paint for you- 2400 grit wet and dry- & T-CUT!!

Have fun, be careful and you will be able to bring that back to a beautiful shine! It also helps if you are planning any bank jobs- I have no finger prints whatsoever anymore!! 😉
adi #2
  • adi #2
  • Regular Topic Starter
16 years ago
Heh...yeah, i know the feeling, i had no fingerprints for about a couple of months after hand-painting and then sanding smoothe on some other car. It looked surprisingly good after i finished, much better then expected, only it took a solid week of sanding! (with occasionally breaks for sleep etc).

The mp3 player to radio thing is very well known to me, i used to have a collection of vintage radio gear, until i started restoring classic cars and sold it all.

The problem is, that the stock beetle radio is pretty weak, and early transistor auto radios in general arnt brilliant.

So i came up with this device. Its a fully functional stereo valve/tube rig, in a tiny box. Its a bit of a bad picture, because it looks confusing with all the junk there. The amp is the gray box only. that piece of metal with a drain pipe wrapped in wire that looks like its sticking out of it, is in fact a part of some kind of prototype, and is not related, it just happened to sit there when i took the photo.

The box includes the power supply, which knocks 6v up to 250v to power the tubes. But currently iv scrapped the power supply and am building another which will be more efficiant.

I figured, whats the best way to complement a vintage car? Vintage audio! This can be mounted under the rear seat, or on a parcel shelf, so its completely reversible, doesnt involve modifying the car itself, and if needed can just be removed.  amp.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
16 years ago
hello and welcome :d

nice car :d
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