Buying replacement carpets for a beetle is quite an expensive business at the moment due to the poor exchange rates and shipping costs from overseas. Over the past 18 months I've bought two sets of square weave carpets and I found on each occasion that the cheapest supplier was Himmelservice in Hamburg.
I bought a set for my Ruby Red 1963 and a set for my Java Green 1965. I ordered the lighter grey in each case, rather than the charcoal, as I felt that was too dark, although perhaps more correct. I've been pleased with both sets and although the delivery time quoted was about 4 weeks, both sets arrived within a week of ordering. Their website is fairly basic and not the easiest to work out how to order from so I emailed and established communication that way.
Himmelservice is certainly cheaper today than both Wolfsburg West and Newton Commercial. At today's exchange rate a set of square weave carpets in Charcoal for a 1966 beetle from Wolfsburg West, including shipping, works out at £382.33. You also have to take into account that you will then receive an additional bill from HM Government for import taxes, which can be quite considerable.
A carpet set from Newton Commercial will cost £536.54. I don't know if there's a delivery charge on top of that or not. The quality of Newton Commercial carpets is probably better than from Himmelservice and their set includes carpets for the central tunnel and for all the footwells. However neither of my cars would have been correct if these areas had been carpeted and when I enquired about only purchasing the carpets that I needed they said it was possible but only offered a reduction of around £30. However if you need all this extra carpet then its probably ok value.
A carpet set from Himmelservice at today's exchange rate, including shipping (which was 15 Euros last year), would be £271.25. In addition to that price the money had to be sent by bank transfer which cost me another £25 but a friend ordered a headling kit at the same time and we split the cost of the shipping and money tranfer fees. I think that last year when I bought the carpet set it cost me about £220, but of course the exchange rate was more favourable then.
I'm sure that both Wolfsburg West and Newton Commercial will supply excellent carpets but for comparison purposes its worth considering those from Himmelservice and for the price I've been happy with the quality.
I should also mention that if you order a carpet set from an overseas supplier then you need to ensure they know it's for a right hand drive car (if it is of course!) as there's one piece that's different. 😎
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16 years ago
Reason: Not specified