54 Gertie
16 years ago
Hello all!

My red 63 (currently a rover colour :roll: ) was originally ruby red and it needs a few bits like the VW emblems on the hubcaps painting and I was wondering, should these be painted black or red?

Also can some one show me what the wheels should look like as mine have had the colours done incorrectly as well as the wrong colour in the wrong place!


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16 years ago
The VWs in the hubcaps should be painted black, but only if its a pre July '63 car as the black was dropped for the 1964 model year. Coloured VWs were prior to the 1957 model year.
54 Gertie
16 years ago
I've seen some red bugs with red VW logos but I suppose this was just in the name of colour coding and not original!

Cheers Rob!

16 years ago
61, og paint on rims.
54 Gertie
16 years ago
Thats brilliant RockStock!

Cheers! :beer:

What colour is the VW logo, if they are the original huncaps?
16 years ago
It looks like mine on that 61 had no logo colour
The car was very original

It does seem VW painted all logos black from around 56 on
But after a quick check on The Samba, it seems some cars came with no colour/all chrome caps

Have a quick scan here:

I'd probably do as RoRo said - go black

Interesting the wingbeading was an off-white, not black
54 Gertie
16 years ago
Thanks very much rock stock! :beer:

I aggree, I will probably go with black painted hubcaps then!

I can see now that not all had the painted logos but as my hubcaps are not original and it could have had it they are getting paintned! :d