  • Dakota
  • Regular Topic Starter
13 years ago
Hi All
has anyone seen a ruby red '61 bug RHD reg No FSV 393 or a SWB early GP buggy CVX 492B I owned the Beetle in the late eigties after saving it from a breakers in Erith Kent, and the beach buggy a little ealier, I went to my first VW action in it and for quite a while it was my daily driver, thanks Bill.
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13 years ago

Hi All
has anyone seen a ruby red '61 bug RHD reg No FSV 393 or a SWB early GP buggy CVX 492B I owned the Beetle in the late eigties after saving it from a breakers in Erith Kent, and the beach buggy a little ealier, I went to my first VW action in it and for quite a while it was my daily driver, thanks Bill.

Dakota wrote:

Not looking good for the Beetle, it hasn't been taxed for over 17 years :(

The vehicle details for FSV 393 are:
Date of Liability 01 06 1993
Date of First Registration 06 11 1986
Year of Manufacture 1960
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 1200CC
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type Petrol
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status Unlicensed
Vehicle Colour RED

Strangely though, the DVLA database doesn't recognise the reg of the buggy.
December 1966 UK 1500 Beetle
  • Dakota
  • Regular Topic Starter
13 years ago
Hi Dubster
the last I saw of the Ruby red beetle was an advert in a VW magazine, it was for sale and apparantly in good nick and that would be in the mid nineties, I rescued it because the shell was so good with no rot to speak of, I wonder if the guy selling it gave up and its still sitting in a garage somewhere or maybe it was written off? As for my buggy I'm sure the reg number was CVX492B though I will check, it was a MK1 GP SWB in ford sebring red though the guy I sold it too painted it Kawasaki green...
12 years ago
Hello Dakota, I bought FSV 393 back in 1988 from a VW specialist in Catford, I kept the car for about 3 years before selling it.
I have some old photos from back then, I also took it to a few shows in that period and won a few trophies. Got best everyday driver at the kent county show ground (Bug Jam) in 1989. I'm really sorry but I cant remember the guys name who I sold it to.

Best Regards. OldVWFan
11 years ago
Hello OldVWFan.

I spoke to Dakota a while back now as I currently own FSV 393. I purchased it a year or two ago as an unfinished project in pieces from a guy who had owned it since the early nineties, probably the same person you sold it too. It is currently stored awaiting resto. It would be good to see some of the old photos, please PM me if you can send any copies. Thanks.
7 years ago
I know this is years old I had CVX492B of Kerry!! from working pad £2.5k? I used it for 2-3 years to the mot ran out , I had a hard time to sell it ,so sold the wheels and I still have the engine, body etc sold to a guy in Leeds thick he sold it in bits,,,