  • Dr.D.
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago

during last week I started to build the first Blech-Manufaktur Hebmuller.
I hope I will find the time to finish the body in white for Hessisch Oldendorf.

The back is almost ready. Now I have to open the longitudinals to weld in the inner reiforcements. Then I will have to replace the left front quarter panel and to fit the windshield frame.
Here is a small preview.

Aircooled greetings


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15 years ago
Looks great Dirk.
I would like to see it at HO! :d
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
15 years ago
I think it looks great too! Looking forward to seeing it at H.O. - BUT!! I hope it doesn't take part in the Heb lineup, however accurate it is, it's still not a real heb!!
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • Dr.D.
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago
Don't worry,

for the line-up I would use my "real" Hebmueller No. 14-00291, the yellow one in the pic, parked next to my "unreal" Hebmueller.She is her twin sister, or a clone, if you like...:wink:


By the way: what makes a "real" Hebmueller a real one? The bodynumber? The pan? The lid? The title?
Many of the "real" Hebmullers I know are made from several donor cars, mostly using a complete donor split to weld on the specific Hebmuller parts for "restoration". Are they "real" or some kind of Frankensteins?
If I took the pan of my "real" Hebmuller, would it be a real one? If I then took the yellow body on a replacement pan, would I get two real ones???

I would never claim that my new Hebmuller body is an old one built by the hebmuller factory, but it will be very authentic and it will for sure be a type 14a - regardless of the date of conversion.

Aircooled Greetings

15 years ago
:beer: I want to congratulate Dr D with his project.
I do also hope that he is clever enough to put a hidden fault in his parts that can later be traced as a reproduction part.
Just to hold back the clever sellers that offer a new made heb as restored to the best. And there will be some that try this, I am sure.

Just a tought about the making of a repro hebmuller:
What with all the restored hebs with the body from a split or partial body , like the french one, the south african heb, The austian white one with crotch coolers, Yan rami's blue one, the.....
Even the oldes known heb 005 is restored, nr 6 and I can go on.
The ones that are not restored yet are a: very good ones and very rare, ore B: in such a bad shape they need churgery.
The few out there that are still original and driveble are only a handfull.

What with all the hebs without a Heb body nr...half of them in the list are without.
What with all the hebs without the original drivetrain and floorpans...?
What with the 14 Karmann made hebs?
What with all the hebs with a body nr above 707?

Can you ban them out of a Hessisch or other strictly vintage meeting? I whould not dare it.[-x

Think about how many fake kubels, fake KDF or even fake Schwimmers are around. What about the VW38 find.. it need such an amount of work to restore it and nobody know how it should look original underneath and if someone can do this work, what will be left of the original?
What with the replica VW 3 and VW 30 that are made.?

I can make a New zelensis if I want to, and claim it as a NOS body, I know where the mould is and have some spare parte left.

I love them all and wish ( like rob and a few others) to have one, I whould not mind driving around with a copy from Dirk,
as long as you will not claim it as "an original Heb made in Wuppertall between februari 49 and 20 september 51"
I am pretty sure that there are some hebs out there that are only built around an original decklid and some rescued parts that are clipped on a split or even oval shell. But who cares.

and now I need a break so I can count my savings....:lol: and a :beer:
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
15 years ago
I completely understand, what makes a 'real' Heb is not really an argument I want to get into - but clearly a replica can never be real, regardless to how accurate it is. I'm sure that there will be a few 'real' Hebs running around soon with some of Dr D's panels on them, as they do seem to be the best Heb panels out there.

Also, if the donor car is an early car then I'd also say there is no problem for them to attend H.O or any other vintage meet. But a line up of real Hebs is a special thing, and if a replica creeped into the line-up, maybe in 20 years when memories were blurred people might use it as proof that it was real!
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
15 years ago
Hi rob, That is exactly what I am thinking.
I agree with you.
It was just a way of asking where to draw the line.
I hope that I still live in 20 years so I can point that kind of people to give me proof of the real thing....if I still can reed and see.:?
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
15 years ago
Before you discuss about if Dr. D. comes with his original Heb - or with his Replica to the line-up we can discuss if there is enough place for his cars. Until this evening he is not a registered participant - and the regstration is closed because there is no place anymore in the city :-(

In 2005, there was this nice red australian Replica in the line-up - and nobody had problems with it. But you are right - for the copies it is better to have a special line in addition to the originals - so that there is one line-up for all.

One of our idea was to sort the cars by its bodynumbers - but this only makes sense if all cars are registered.

  • Dr.D.
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago
Hi Bjoern,

at the moment I do not plan to join the
line up of Hebmuellers as my original Hebmueller is not street legal at the moment. So I would have to bring it on a trailer. But I can only bring one car on the trailer and I plan to be present on the parts marketplace with the newly built body in white(at least I tried to sign in for the market and yesterday I received a mail from Thorsten, that there might be maybe a space in the hall.)

  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago
Wow! What a great project.

Looks like the only thing separating this from an original is the fact that Karosserie Hebmüller didn´t build it.

I´m sure we can all argue if its a "real" Hebmüller or not until Hell freezes over, but one things for sure - I know I´d love to have one!
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
15 years ago
I love your project! 😎

I wish I could afford your parts.. But now with the threat of partial Lay-off at work for the rest of the year I dont even dare to dream about it.. :cry:
The HebsterWerks.
  • Dr.D.
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago
I thought it would be nice to put a new Hebmueller-parts pic here.:wink:

I just put the parts in my yard according to the original exploded view...


15 years ago

I thought it would be nice to put a new Hebmueller-parts pic here.:wink:

I just put the parts in my yard according to the original exploded view...



Dr.D. wrote:

Well, kind of looks OK - but I think you should send me a full set for a complete editorial review, just to be sure. :beer: :lol:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • tman
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago

Hebmüller Wanted!

pre67vw wrote:

I think you'll need a few extra bits in addition to Dirk's! :lol:
195x Deluxe oval Beetle
Binz Doublecab
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago
Thats really cool.8)

(Doesn´t having just the original back window make the car original? I thought we´d agreed that it did?:lol: :lol: :twisted:)
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
15 years ago
The subject of real or fake (can I make two cars by using the original frame... and the original body... and separate them and then refabricate to get two cars) has been thoroughly discussed by the bugatti guys... by the ferrari guys... the cobra guys... etc etc.

There are several Bizzarrini cars with the same chassis number... several ferrari's with the same numbers etc. This happened a lot after a race car was in a wreck. The old broken chassis would be discarded... and then years later... found... out in a field and rebodied.

Tricky subject.

I cannot offer a solution. the real cars are often missing their original engine and trans... so are they real? They often have entire clips from splits welded on.

Best to take a philosophy class... drink some wine... and not worry. it is a question that cannot be answered. Best to spend this time telling your wife how pretty she is.... or complimenting a pretty girl if you are single. the results will be far more pleasing.

protect me from what I want
15 years ago

Best to spend this time telling your wife how pretty she is.... or complimenting a pretty girl if you are single. the results will be far more pleasing.

overrestored wrote:

Amen to that! :lol: :beer:

Have to say though the exploded view of the parts above do look very factory.
15 years ago
There's nothing I can say but absolutely amazing!

Those pieces are a work of art!8)

Do you have any pricelist of the parts together, and separated?
The HebsterWerks.
15 years ago
Beautiful work Dirk love it.
I couldn;t care if its a repro or not its still a great ooking car :wink:
  • Dr.D.
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago
sorry for getting back so late to your questions, but I am very busy in my "main job" at the moment.
Yes of course there are prices for each single part - which can be used to build a replica or to be a spare for your original Hebmuller carbody.

The whole set of parts as shown in the picture is roundabout 15 000 Euros (if bought as the whole set).
Please specify the model year (1949/50) and the details (e.g. dimples in lid, holes in sidepanel reinforcements etc.) according to your 14-000XXX Bodynumber, so I can put together your individual parts set.:wink:

The most important (and most expensive) parts and their prices if bought part by part are:
The lid 3600 Euros
rear cowl 2900 Euros
Windshield frame (incl. the reinforcement tubes inside!!! geometry exactly like original but modern high tensile stress steel) 3600 Euros
mechanical top system roundabout 3600 Euros
front reinforcements in the trunk (left and right) 400 Euros
set of reinforcements "under and around the rear seat" and cross member, upper reinforcements along the upper edge of the passenger compartment: 1950 Euros

upper water drain panel (underneath the slots): on demand
front "kickpanels" on driver and passenger side: on demand

All parts from my own production, except the mechanical topsystem that is made in the US.

Prices without shipment but I will of course organise shipment to your location. If you are seriously interested, please give me an e-mail.

Aircooled Greetings8)

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