16 years ago
hello on my travels yesterday came across this
it's a late 50 something cant remember now, seems solid apart from abit of rot on roof and front inner wing, dont have any idea if it has glass, seats etc..
it had been garaged for a few years but its been sat out for last yr
still in original paint which looked like Beige-Green, Sand Green
only thing i want is the rusty ski rack on the back :lol:
is anyone up for saving it  IMG00152.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00153.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00154.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00155.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00158.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00159.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00156.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00157.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
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16 years ago
Nice find!

It looks relatively solid. What did the heater channels, pan halves, inner wings look like? And is it a UK car? I would think it is by the number plate (which is nice) and the general look of the thing.
16 years ago
few more vws sat at this vw graveyard  IMG00160.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00161.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00162.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00163.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00164.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00165.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG00166.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  3128855169_5482a0a7f7.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  3128861481_18dbc27e92.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  3128861821_611764d2bd.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  3129688824_de68d13c8f.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  3129689242_21bb87f966.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  3129722726_4f693e6c9e.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
16 years ago

Nice find!

It looks relatively solid. What did the heater channels, pan halves, inner wings look like? And is it a UK car? I would think it is by the number plate (which is nice) and the general look of the thing.

55Kab wrote:

yes it is a uk rhd car and it's still sat in norfolk
heater channels looked ok so did the pan halfs one front inner wing is bad but its worth saving
16 years ago
blimey, didn't know air cooled graveyards like that could still be found in the UK.

Is everything for sale?
16 years ago
its my local vw garage / graveyard near my folks
they started back in 1976 yep most stuff for sale, there has been tons of old cars and vans pass through this place over the years but mostly uk rhd stuff
been going there on and off for years have alot of old german parts
they are doing the work on my 52 zwitter
16 years ago
Would appreciate it if you can find out if RAF 21G is for sale? And if so, how much?

Is there anything else pre67 sat there besides this Bug?
VW Stan
16 years ago
Looks like it's a 1960 by the door handles and the fan shroud

It's hard to say what my girlfriend does for a living...

...She sells sea shells on the sea shore!
16 years ago
i've sent you an email.:d
16 years ago

blimey, didn't know air cooled graveyards like that could still be found in the UK.

55Kab wrote:

sure theres more graveyards about just need to look:wink:
i know of another one in norfolk can take a few pics of that sometime when i pass the place
there was a 1960 bug sat there as well but didnt have time to look about flying visit
16 years ago

yep most stuff for sale and theres lots more old vws sat there
and theres boxes of old german stuff everywhere

Can you pm me the number/ contact details? I know it's a long shot but do you know if they would have a nearside rear wing for a '56? Been looking for a while now & nobody seems to have one for sale! :(

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading"
16 years ago
55Kab wrote:

blimey, didn't know air cooled graveyards like that could still be found in the UK.

Agreed!! I thought they all disappeared in the 1980s!! :lol: What a find! I wonder how many of these graveyards are still tucked away, waiting to be "discovered"?...
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading"
54 Gertie
16 years ago

Looks like it's a 1960 by the door handles and the fan shroud

VW Stan wrote:

Are those door handles not also correct for 59 model year car? Was it not changed for that year model, its one of the few ways of telling the difference between 58 and 59!:wink:
VW Stan
16 years ago

Are those door handles not also correct for 59 model year car? Was it not changed for that year model, its one of the few ways of telling the difference between 58 and 59!:wink:

54 Gertie wrote:

Door handles changed August 6th 1959
The ignition wires were fixed to the fan shroud in pairs by 3 rubber holders from 4th May 1959
It's hard to say what my girlfriend does for a living...

...She sells sea shells on the sea shore!
16 years ago
so im guessing its a 59 as the guy did say 50 something
and im sure they have some pre67 parts, would hate to think how many cars been broken over the years
will call them in the morning and ask if its ok with them to put the name of their shop up so will be easyer for you all
as they dont have a website etc.. would of thought so after 33 years of working on vws :lol:
16 years ago

Would appreciate it if you can find out if RAF 21G is for sale?

55Kab wrote:

nice number plate8)
looks like an 80's time warp
anyone else know anymore vw graveyards or have pics of old ones in the uk looks a fun day out digging through the brambles

16 years ago
have replyed to your messages with the shops number etc..
have'nt put their number up incase gets me in trouble on here as guess its free advertising
anyone else want their number send a pm
16 years ago

have replyed to your messages will the shops number etc..

PM'ed you! :d
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading"
16 years ago
sent you a pm with another couple of shop numbers to try if these guys dont have the part
16 years ago
Thanks! I've PM'ed you...
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading"