Thanks Guy's,
But I'll get the surgery at april 16:cry: , so I'll be able to post here till the 15 :lol: April 8 I'll get a nother scan (PET Scan) After that scan I'll know if I need other treathments before or after the operation ( lets hope that I don't need that crap) After the operation, I have to stay atleast 3 weeks in the hospital !
So if everything go's well, I'll be in Hessisch Oldendorf :d ! I asked my doctor if that would be possible, He told me no problem as long there are no serious complications :roll:! We are thinking about building a sidecar to ET's wheelchair:shock: so he could help me a bit, I think that would be fair enough,:lol: because I'm pushing his wheelchair more then 15 years now to swapmeets and car shows :lol: !
Thanks again for the support, I need that because some day's I realy feel like crap:oops:
My Close friends (Christian, ET and Swa) are supporting me very well, They are calling me atleast ones on a day , I do not like to pay Christians mobile phone bill from last month :shock: but it feels good, I'm alway's pleased if they call me !
I hope they provide me with an Internet connection so I don't get too bored in there, 3 weeks without pre67 forum:shock: :shock: , I'm not sure if I would survive that :lol:
Best regards,