Say you put this car next to an identical original. You don´t know and can´t tell which is which. How do you know which one to dismiss as a fake and which one to get all excitied about?
JD wrote:
You stand back and admire them both, because they both look beautiful. You get excited when the guy brings out a photo album showing b&w photos of the car in the 50's next to their proud new owners, then the next page has colour photos from the 70's when it was first restored etc. and he tells you the whole history of this great car.
When the other guy pulls out his photo album and the photo of his oval still has the roof on... you might be interested in how the replica was achieved, you could be excited about the technical ability of creating such a replica...
I've got nothing against replicas, at some point I may try and build one (I love the hand built Hebzwitter that was on here a while back). It just gets my goat when people try to claim they are more than replicas, desperately trying to give their fake some provenance so that they can get big bucks out of the hobby. Maybe it's just me, I'm getting jaded by the whole thing. 😞
Edited by user
13 years ago
Reason: typo
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW