• JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
14 years ago

I feel that this is how the VW38 should have been with the discovered wreck preserved as found.:o

Rattletrap wrote:

But surely that would only be of any interest to keen students of Eastern Bloc automotive field repairs. It doesn´t represent anything that the car was originally about.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
14 years ago

There's something really fascinating about a rare discovery dug-up, dragged out of a pond or whatever. The wreck of the VW38 was a mess but told a story.

Rattletrap wrote:

I agree it's got a facinating story to tell, and the restoration is another part of the story. The original wreck has been preserved in photos, there's nothing more to gain from keeping it as it was. With it restored, we get to see how it would have looked when new and enjoy it attending some VW events and see it for real. I'd much rather see it driving around and be able to look at some of the details up close knowing that this is the closest to original it's going to get. If it was preserved as it was, you wouldn't know what was correct and what had been hacked around.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago

i see a wonderfull reconstruction with maximum on original parts and 99,9% of recreations of missing parts. for that input, which the grundmans and the team and all involved gave to this car, i pull my hat if i had one:!:

to rebuild a car if it is complete with original tools, is really difficult and makes in my opinion not much sense. look at the painting, they trie to do it the way it was done 70 years ago. but if ovaltine hase some worthfull inputs how it was done right back in the day, comon and let us participate

DBK Germany
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
14 years ago
I've just done a massive clean up of the thread, lets keep it on-topic and leave out the insults.

Whether it should have been left alone or restored back to its former glory is down to personal opinion and has now been covered - it's being restored so the descision has already been made.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
14 years ago
:thumbup:  162845_1440197979672_1674742408_819581_3377321_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  164737_1440198419683_1674742408_819584_4975820_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  162689_1440196779642_1674742408_819572_64496_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  167195_1440197259654_1674742408_819575_2445380_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  168647_1440196659639_1674742408_819571_2575554_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago
The rear lights must be a bit special.

Must be some real research here.8)

I'd love a detail of those complete.
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
14 years ago

Must be some real research here.8)

Rattletrap wrote:

Have you ever seen any of the Grundmann collection? It's more than a collection of cars, they have tons of incredibly rare 'stuff' that they've been collecting for years and years. It wouldn't suprise me at all if the car is re-united with many of it's original parts without even knowing it.

I think this is one of the reasons that bashing the restoration is out of order, nobody in the world could do it better - not even VW themselves. It goes beyond skill and knowledge - there are other very skilled people who could maybe do the metalwork/paint etc. to the same first class standard - but nobody else could pull out original technical drawings or 1938 parts from their stash.


Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago
Its awesome when you think of it Rob.:thumbup:

Shame that unlike the likes of you and I, Joe Public just wouldn't realise just how special this little VW is.

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago
They are going fast ....and I mean FAST...:drool:
The painted body and parts got home yesterday evening....and this morning it looked like this :omg:

I hope Christian feels OK with it. The picts came from a social network and he posted them. :thumbup:
Greetings.  180853_186414061382497_100000417145433_568941_7571389_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  167010_186414444715792_100000417145433_568943_6724223_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  165584_186414328049137_100000417145433_568942_4097698_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  167128_1448743473304_1674742408_832750_7759404_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  180767_1448744313325_1674742408_832752_6548659_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
14 years ago
WOW :!:

Fast works guys. Can imagine you couldn't wait to get her all together so I would have worked through the night too!

Looks perfect. :beer:

14 years ago
Can't think that anybody would have wanted it left as found.:oops:

Amazing job, seeing is believing - I love the detail of the bumpers and numberplate/stop lamp.8)

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago
Amazing job! :thumbup:
And I am happy to see the result!
It wasn't much but atleast I can see where my money is invested in!:?

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
14 years ago
What an awesome weekend, the car looks absolutely awesome in real life 😉
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago

What an awesome weekend, the car looks absolutely awesome in real life ;-)

pre67vw wrote:

Pics please... :wink:

14 years ago
Saturday I was VERY lucky to be able to see the marriage with my own two eyes and make a "few" pics.
Thanks you Grundmann family!

Check https://www.volksfahrer.nl  for all the pics!







  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
14 years ago

What an awesome weekend, the car looks absolutely awesome in real life ;-)

pre67vw wrote:

Friend of the stars! :d

Lucky chap to have been there.:thumbup:
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
14 years ago

Lucky chap to have been there.:thumbup:

JD wrote:

Very lucky indeed, crazy weekend, crazy car, fantastic :thumbup:

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
14 years ago
And you were caught on camera Rob!

"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
14 years ago

WOW :!:

Fast works guys. Can imagine you couldn't wait to get her all together so I would have worked through the night too!

Looks perfect. :beer:

55Kab wrote:

Would take you longer Martin – fitting an adjustable beam and Earlies takes extra time.:sneaky:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

Would take you longer Martin – fitting an adjustable beam and Earlies takes extra time.:sneaky:

Rattletrap wrote:

[-x nope, they run a frontaxle without shocktowers...so only to put drop spindels in and cut it on the outside...:p :omg:

DBK Germany
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