13 years ago
I rejoined the club last week.
I had let my membership lapse as i didn't have a car:oops:
All sorted now,see you at Tatton EVERYBODY:wink:
13 years ago
A latecomer to this thread I'm afraid. I echo everything that has been said about the HVWC here. I was an active member for many years, and even did a stint as Club secretary back in the 1990's, which was very enjoyable. I let my membership lapse until a couple of years ago, when I rejoined, and I too received my old membership number, and a very nice letter.
As Rob has said the Club attends a great many of the shows across the UK and beyond, and always manage to have a good display of cars. They even braved the awful weather to come up to Volksfling in Scotland!!
Here's to the next 37 years!
13 years ago
yup i am all joined up, just waiting for the membership stuff to come through the post. :thumbup:
13 years ago

yup i am all joined up, just waiting for the membership stuff to come through the post. :thumbup:

Robb wrote:

Shouldn't be long now. I know that the Membership Secretary is dealing with your application. :smile:
13 years ago
thats cool, no rush, glad i finally signed up, only taken me about 10 years :d