13 years ago
Hi, has anyone got any 25hp barrels and pistons or just the barrels or pistons on their own??

Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other
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Rich Oakley
13 years ago

Hi, has anyone got any 25hp barrels and pistons or just the barrels or pistons on their own??


52deluxebug wrote:

Hi Barclay.

Good luck in your search. They are getting incredibly hard to find- it took me about 2 months to find an NOS set last year. One alternative which I will probably use in the future is to use early Polo barrels and pistons. Apparently 1978-81 Polo/Derby barrels and pistons are perfect for the job and they're available and cheap. I haven't researched this extensively yet, but it may be worth you doing a search on thesamba etc.

Good luck.
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
13 years ago
Hi Rich,

Thanks - I managed to pick up a set of NOS pistons, so I just need the barrels now.

I have heard of this polo thing before, but not spoken to anyone who has actually done it.

There is a company who can custom-make barrels to your spec, so I'll look into this and let peeps know!

Cheers, Barclay.
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other
13 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I know of someone who has very successfully used Polo pistons and barrels on a 25hp engine. Apparently it increses the capacity of then engine by a mighty two-and-a-half horsepower due to slight difference in the design of the top of the piston.

Following this tip off, I used Polo pistons on a 25hp engine I had. I never ran it, but the person I sold it to, said it went very well. All I had done was to have the barrels stoned very lightly, and everything went together like a dream

It's a useful alternative to hunting for either NOS ones, or uncertain second hand items. Best of all, you're still using VW parts!
13 years ago
Thanks - the only thing is do the polo's have a conventional 'barrel' like the ones we are used to?? I thought it was a different design altogether?
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other
  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago
Dont understand this a Polo has an engine block polo pistons may fit the barrles or can you get polo sleaves and bore the barrles to fit the sleves and then the Polo Pistons?

Andy W
  • Kev
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago
Yeah I'm with Andy on this, the polo pistons may fit but polos dont have barrels with cooling fins, just a normal watercooled head ??

I'm interested to see if the polo pistons fit the 25 Hp barrels though if anyone has some details. I will buy a set or two if they are any good :thumbup:

  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago
Could larer barrles be used and a stepped sleve fitted ???????????

Andy W
Rich Oakley
13 years ago
Sorry, yes, my mistake, Polo PISTONS only :oops:
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
13 years ago
:omg: :omg: :omg:

and its the pistons that I just bought too......

I did find another NOS set complete, but I'm not paying 1000 euros!!!

Might get a set of polo pistons as spares then
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other
13 years ago
Well the saga is finally over..... I got my NOS barrels sorted.

Ursula Hagen lists them as complete kits for 600 euros
They are an exchange item and you must return 4 barrels and pistons and the barrels must not have any broken fins - unlikely!!! I didn't get mine from here - just thought it useful information for future reference.

So I've ended up with NOS barrels and pistons for about £650 which I don't think is too bad
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other
13 years ago
barclay,not sure if this is any good to you?


Car less.....
13 years ago
yeah, I spotted it on ebay too - not a bad price, but I've already got one thanks!

Might come in as a spare.....
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other