12 years ago

Im working to intall in my 30 hp engine a okrasa ts1200. Finally i found and bought solex 32 pbic carburators with it's 356 pre A manifolds, and okrasa cylinder heads. Now i dont know if use 356 manifolds or buy original okrasa head's ones, which one will give me better resoult in engine. Now im trying to find all rest of the kit (airfilters, gasoline lines, etc) but i would like to find the complete list of all parts that ts1200 include originally.

In another hand i would like to complete okrasa heads with new valves etc, and reparation carburators kit, are there someone who knows where i can fins this original okrasa parts?? And information to intall well the kit with all tecnical information to make engine goes well?

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12 years ago
The Okrasa intakes have a triangular bolt pattern, I don't think 356 intakes would fit without some extensive reworking?

BBT used to do the replacement valves, you should try them first - or failing them, try Wolfsburg West - they sell repro Okrasa heads, so might be able to supply spares.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
12 years ago
Hello Rob

Porsche preA intakes has triangular form as the Osakra ones! The porsche ones are much more short but much more wide... And i dont know what it will be resoult with okrasa heads. Anyway does someone know the okrasa 30 hp valves size intake and exhaust size?
12 years ago

Hello Rob

Porsche preA intakes has triangular form as the Osakra ones! The porsche ones are much more short but much more wide... And i dont know what it will be resoult with okrasa heads. Anyway does someone know the okrasa 30 hp valves size intake and exhaust size?

Amadeus71 wrote:

Is that true? I didn't think they were the same, the Okrasa inlets seem much closer together. Can you post some pics of the Porsche manifolds fitted to the Okrasa heads?

Okrasa heads came with 33mm inlet valves and 28mm exhaust.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
12 years ago

I didn't check it still.... I ve manifolds and carburators but waiting post delivery for okrasa heads. Thanks very much for information about valves sizes. Now im working with rebuild carburators and trying to find which venturis size to incrise fuel flow!! Well my dream is build a original parts replica 1951 spli beetle that raced on Millie Miglia with Ernt Strahle..... It will be hard work!!,
March Hare
11 years ago
Was there ever an answer for this ? Do the 356 intakes fit or are the Okrasa intakes all own there own
11 years ago
Over thirty years ago the " VW Split Window Club - London UK " included in their newsletter a typed Operating and Maintenance Manual for "OKRASA HIGH PERFORMANCE CONVERSION KITS FOR VOLKSWAGENS" . The Kits covered appear to be TS and TSV - 1300 . The three A4 size pages appear to offer comprehensible comprehensive installation, adjustment and maintenace data which might not still be readily/easily accessible. I have a good clean copy of the newsletter and would be happy to make the info available by photocopying/posting or recruiting help to scan and send via e-mail attachment. 'PM' me any time for further information.