12 years ago
Can someone help me on a rear window and rough aluminium trim for my 56 Porsche?
Would need a 1956 super engine aswell and doorwindows.
If you have something, let me know!
Thanks! :wink:
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
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12 years ago
No one? :wink:
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
10 years ago
Still looking! :smile:

Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
9 years ago
Still looking! 🙂  2015-08-12 11.28.59.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
9 years ago
Try the DDK site you never know.

Andy W
9 years ago
Sorry pascal, I sold them 2 years ago.. A set of windows, all the trim and a running engine .... 🙂 I got in trade a box of 24 jupilers.:beer:
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective