10 years ago
Please, can anyone help me with an advice of the mounting of the S-shaped iron in the top mechanism.

I want to know if the iron is mounted correctly or not.  IMG_7013.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  IMG_7014.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.
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10 years ago
Thomas, will send you the info that you need. :d

ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
10 years ago
I think it is ok.
This is how it looks at mine.


Master of my domaine.
10 years ago
Or not?
After looking at my pics ...
Is it possible you swapped the left to the right and the right to the left?
I can go to my frame in the evening and take a close look.
Master of my domaine.
10 years ago
OK, I was there.

Left side


Right side


It seems yours are mounted reverse left to right.
At least compared to mine.
But I have not assembled these mechanics. That was done by the previous owner.

Tell me what you find out about it. If mine are the right way or yours.

Master of my domaine.
10 years ago
Carsten, the irons are correct on your rooftop. Btw, nice progress on your car. :d
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
10 years ago
Thanks a lot for the photos Carsten and Peter.

I have mounted my Irons this way in my Heb now but it does not fold down completly.

It was better when I had the Irons the other way around. It was also more room for the front metal bow and the front wooden bow when it was folded down.

There are also a slot in the arm where the Irons can go in when folded down. Now when I have the Irons like the pictures of Carsten, the Irons will go outside of the arm which make no sense.

It looks like you have done a lot to your Hebmuller Carsten. Is it ready for painting this spring?
10 years ago

Carsten how does your mechanism look when it is folded down?

By the way, do you have the Wooden parts from Claus Missing on your Heb?
10 years ago
Yes, I did work on the Heb.
But paint in spring? Well, maybe during summer.
I´d be happy with that.
It looks almost like a car this way.

But I just dropped the parts on the pan for a rough test fit.
In fact it is still apart.


I hope to get it together soon.

The wood?
The front and rear bow and the window I have are from Claus.
The two middle bows came with the car and are probably one offs, made by the previous owner after the originals from the car.

Write me a mail and I send you more pics of the roof mechanics.
[email protected]
Master of my domaine.
10 years ago
Hi, your Heb looks great so far. You have worked a lot with it I can see.

Thanks Carsten, but I have got lots of pictures from Peter so I know how it shall look like now.

Have the wall underneath the rear set been cut? It was cut on my Heb so I had to reconstruct it. It is bolted to the floor with six screws.

10 years ago
Yes, in 1968 it was placed on a ´65 pan.
I guess there for the lower end of the wall was cut a bit.
I will create a new edge.
Where are the six screws located towards the floor?
I guess it´s simple "self cutting" metall screws? No machined threated bolts.
Master of my domaine.
10 years ago
It was M6 screws with the nuts underneath the pan.

I will check if I have pics of it.
10 years ago
Hello Thomas i send you a few pictures from 3 cars i had roofdetails, if one is what you need. pleas post it here, regards Rudy