16 years ago

Whats the electrical item to the right of your lower arrow Anna:?:

'50 Karmann wrote:

looks like a electric fuel pump to me,if it is its a odd looking one
16 years ago
Bloody hell it made 5k! :shock: :shock: people amaze me :shock:
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago

Bloody hell it made 5k! :shock: :shock: people amaze me :shock:

mrsherbie wrote:

It has still got another four days to run, I expect that it'll make more than £5K.
December 1966 UK 1500 Beetle
16 years ago

It has still got another four days to run, I expect that it'll make more than £5K.

Dubster wrote:

Well I feel sorry for them, the winning bidder is going to get mugged unless they know what they are buying. But on the flip side I just realised our red oval just went up in value! 80's revival must be the new look! :lol: :beer: :d
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago
From the original e-bay advertisment.......

Q.do you know the cost and method of obtaining a v5 for the car would be, many thanks.

A. if i knew do you think i would not do it myself and then sell it for £15K? i'm sorry for being blunt but i have so many stupid stupid e-mails.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: PMFLOL,TWICE.

btw says the car is from Indonesia :roll: defo a different car Anna.
16 years ago
the bonnet struts look a bit ...umm....suspect :?
16 years ago
Yes, the harder you look the more interesting it gets, I just noticed the bonnet has no crest so that makes it possibly something like a 60-? bonnet, and the front valance has a strange shape to the bottom. I have posted it on the samba to get some more ideas and someone points out it could have been a lhd made to rhd hence the odd glovebox shapes which seems logical.
Also the front end being late 50's which was my first thought too.

'Dazed and confused' its the new trend I tell you! far more interesting than stock! :d You just watch, you start off with a few accessories, and before you know it you will be frenching in smoked 1303 flat rear lights into your split wings! :idea:
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago
i like the chrome semaphores :lol:
16 years ago

i like the chrome semaphores :lol:

Judson53 wrote:

And yes, but No, but, I really DO like the chrome semaphores!

Also bearing in mind chrome tail lights and engine lid light really did come as chromed accessory items. Although, I think this car actually has them far more by accident than as a deliberate vintage style option :lol:

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago
he also clames the louvered vents on the front quater are factory fitted....not to sure about that any ideas
54 Gertie
16 years ago

Q: hi mate is there any filler at all in the car? cheers tom
A: As far as I know there is not but you are more then welcome to check in person

I'd like to meet the person that got that dash in there with no filler!

The guy obviously hasnt got a clue, im sure he isnt trying to decieve people but he should have looked into it a little bit more!

The engine looks like an orignial 25 horse (im next to useless with splts so im probably wrong) so maybe bits like the rear window and engine are from the origianl "52 Split"?
16 years ago

I'd like to meet the person that got that dash in there with no filler!

The guy obviously hasnt got a clue, im sure he isnt trying to decieve people but he should have looked into it a little bit more!

The engine looks like an orignial 25 horse (im next to useless with splts so im probably wrong) so maybe bits like the rear window and engine are from the origianl "52 Split"?

54 Gertie wrote:

I'm kind of with you too, I think it could be a 52 buried under there somewhere, but not sure how much. I know nothing about engines either, but from Thailand! it seems likely the original would have been kept on the road at all costs. The engine shot has been strategically taken to hide the wrong valance on the car ( like that small detail would be enough to put anyone off! :lol: )

But I disagree, I think the seller is fully aware of what he is selling, because you dont own 3 various model pre67 vw's and not know where to look to find out information. I think he simply privately imported a lemon and just wants to pass it on thats all. Which is certainly not a crime just misleading.
I think ebay is such a scary place to buy or sell a car. We have only bought 1 once but never sold one on there, and probably never will.
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago

he also clames the louvered vents on the front quater are factory fitted....not to sure about that any ideas

Judson53 wrote:

Yes,the fellas a bloody liar.
He doesn't know what he's talking about so he can't truthfully answer the questions.
So he should state that fact.
16 years ago

So, I guess we can put it's beauty down to those good old 'progressive refinements'..


More frighteningly, in the most recent pic she is starting to look a bit like me?! :shock:

mrsherbie wrote:

I guess she won prices at Halloween! :lol:
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
54 Gertie
16 years ago

Yes,the fellas a bloody liar.
He doesn't know what he's talking about so he can't truthfully answer the questions.
So he should state that fact.

'50 Karmann wrote:

Yeah I think thats it, he doesn't have a clue, but is trying to make out that he does, whether or not to deceive people or to just sound knowledgeable?

His Anthracite bug looks really nice, if you've gotta have un-standard wheels have radars in my opinion! He does at no point show the number plate so maybe theres something going on there? Maybe he doesnt want people to find out it has been imported by checking the DVlA (if you can do that?)
54 Gertie
16 years ago
Fake splits aplenty on Ebay, this ones a 72!

Looks like quite a nice job!

16 years ago
The doors are definitely not split doors. 😳 '53-'55

16 years ago
if you look at the rear (side) window it looks masive,could just be me though!i think is a 70s bug body with bits and pices put into it and a load of filler! 😳
16 years ago
Looks like the dip switch is in the wrong place too.

I asked a question about the body, and got this responce.

"Hi, Thank you for your query. I am not sure what you are talking about. As far s I am aware this body is complete. I am not an expert but there are no joins to be found. I want to make sure I am selling the right thing so can you guide me? Regards Austin"

16 years ago

if you look at the rear (side) window it looks masive,could just be me though!i think is a 70s bug body with bits and pices put into it and a load of filler! 😳

Judson53 wrote:

:lol: :lol:
You see, now you are just being really cruel! :lol:

Yes, I cant figure out the dip switch either?! when did any beetle have them down there? But I am not really up on pre55 rhd cars though. But I thought they were a bit offset to the right for rhd and a little higher too?

I had'nt even notice the doors :lol:

This car is going to be the christmas present for someone that is just going to keep on giving..!

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann