It's OK if you know you have to leave it a while before starting. It drove nicely over there and I parked up - I showed Malc what the symptoms where, by trying to start it while it was hot, it barely turns over as though the battery is flat. Leave it an hour or so and it spins over OK and starts up fine again. He suggested it might be the starter bush. It started fine each time I needed it to anyway...
Interestingly when I got home, the same thing happened - felt like a flat battery again, but after about half an hour I tried starting it again and it would turn over and splutter, but not start - or run for a second and die, accelerator didn't help at all - it would just die. So I left it a while longer and it started up perfectly again.
Before I headed out to Lavenham I took the earth strap from the gearbox to the chassis off and cleaned that up - I think it was OK, but I thought I may as well since I had it jacked up etc.
pre67vw wrote: