This really is a long list and I'm sure I've missed some people out so please don't get upset if I have...
I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone involved with the show. Rob Amos and Barclay Stainton who helped with the organisation before hand and over the weekend, The People of Lavenham for their assistance and for allowing us to hold the event there again this year, including Lavenham Parish Council, Lavenham Merchants Guild, Lavenham Community Council, Lavenham Press, 1st Lavenham Scouts. Our sponsors and supporting organisations including The Historic Volkswagen Club, The Split Screen Van Club,, Status VW Parts and VW Camper & Commercial Magazine. All of the people involved with marshalling on Saturday, visitor parking, registration on Friday, the party on Saturday evening, and the Sunday cruise. These include Adrian Chalmers, Karl Grevatt and his parents, Rob & Pippa, Jack Norman, Neal Smart, Phil Taylor, Rob Meekings & crew, Scott & Liz Furness and all at Karat Catering, Scott Spencer and Jacqui Hobbs & team at the village hall. Also thanks to everyone who brought their Vintage VWs to Lavenham from near and far and all who visited the show and created such a great atmosphere. It really was a team effort so thank you.
Any feedback, good or bad, will be taken on board and if there's another Lavenham show in 2016 I'm sure things will change again, nothing drastic but a few measures to make everything more manageable.
On another note, a purse was handed in at the meadow on Water Street so if you know anyone who lost one, please tell them to get in touch.
See you all at Stanford Hall and thanks again,
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12 years ago
Reason: Not specified