8 years ago
I would like to thank everyone involved in putting on such a great show in Lavenham last weekend.
I know how much hard work and effort it takes to put the show on and I'm sure the relaxed and calm
atmosphere in the town took a lot to achieve behind the scenes.

It was nice to spend the day (Saturday) wondering around the town with my camera for a change
and seeing the show as a visitor for the first time. It really made me appreciate what has been
achieved by all involved over the years.

Even the rain showers didn't dampen (pun intended) everyones spirits too much and got everyone
together and chatting while under cover.

I thought the use of Lavenham Hall was a great addition to the show and will give scope for the
show to grow in the future.

Again, well done to everyone involved. :d

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8 years ago
Thanks for a superb event, although the weather was odd!!
Very well done... 

I thought the VW trail was a good way to link the displays, and well done.

Thanks to everyone behind the scenes who made this year at Lavenham such an enjoyable event.

russell ritchie
8 years ago
Yes i agree, fantastic event and so glad we made the effort, all being well will be back in 4 years.

Thanks for all the efforts from the organising team and for the the owners who took there cars, much appreciated and enjoyed.


Russell Ritchie
8 years ago

Yes i agree, fantastic event and so glad we made the effort, all being well will be back in 4 years.

Thanks for all the efforts from the organising team and for the the owners who took there cars, much appreciated and enjoyed.


Russell Ritchie

Originally Posted by: russell ritchie 

It was great to see you and put the VW world to rights over a :beer: :thumbup:

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
8 years ago
Yes an awe-inspiring vintage VW event. I actually went along this year, on the Saturday. Alas, not in a vintage Beetle though, a friend drove me down in his Type llll or was it Type lV (I lose count of the type after Type lll).

Great also to see some old faces from back in the day. Rod Sleigh, who although was very busy didn't fail to recognise me after the many years since we last met, even with my disguise of glasses and a cap. Also met up with long time friend and once well known VW columnist, Harvey Simpson. We both walked the clever VW trial but some how came off course and trudged back to the VW autojumble field through a rather muddy area.

I certainly know what I've missed in previous years not going to Lavenham. Needed to be there two days to take it all in I think.:beer:
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
Fernando Pal
8 years ago
Rob Amos, the Lavenham meeting 2016 was a good weekend :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Congratulation............:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
6 years ago
Some pictures from a few years back including Jeff Caton and his wife along with my old friend Jon.  F7D9EBAC-E882-4329-841A-7BB82DC985D9.jpeg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
6 years ago
Some more pics from 2016  FA60263D-E830-4671-BB5B-8FC62B788371.jpeg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  EFCCC52D-5437-4D79-A7AE-BF5114B9450B.jpeg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  444A220F-ABBA-4F56-AA7C-75E1AE686E53.jpeg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
5 years ago
Does anyone know if Lavenham will be on next year? Or will i have to wait 2 years for a quality vintage show after getting back from BC last week UserPostedImage​​​​​​​

5 years ago
Hi Russ,

The Historic Club who took the show over and ran it in 2016 now no longer feel the event is feasible, so they were telling people it’s not going ahead. The chairman of the club Charles Oldroyd has done a lot of work on it already and believes the event should go ahead - so Charles and I are teaming up to make it a pre67vw event and have had a lot of discussion on how to make it viable.

We’ve already had loads of offers of help which is fantastic, so all I can say at the moment is watch this space.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
5 years ago
Great news, thanks Rob.
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
5 years ago

That's great news! Thanks for going the extra mile and sorting this.

"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "